The Tambopata National Reserve (RNTMB) 1 is a protected natural area of Peru, located in the department of Madre de Dios, province of Tambopata and extends in the districts of Tambopata and Inambari. The Tambopata National Reserve was created on September 4, 2000.

The climate of the area is of the humid or very humid subtropical forest type, where the average temperature is 26 ° C, reaching between 10 ° C and 38 ° C. These lower limits are explained by the Antarctic winds that enter irregularly into the Amazon basin from the Andes generally in the cold wind seasons in June and July. In the case of their maximum temperatures, these are recorded during the months of September to October.
In the Diagnosis of the Process of Preparation of the Master Plan of the Tambopata National Reserve 2011-2016, 1,713 species were reported, belonging to 654 genera of 145 families. For angiosperms (flowering plants) the classification proposed by the Angyosperm Phylogeny Group (APG III) was considered and for the pteridophytes (ferns) the classification proposed by Smith et al. (2006). Angiosperms register 1,637 species grouped into 127 families and 622 genera, the most diverse families being Fabaceae (158 species), Rubiaceae (104 species) and Moraceae (66 species). Pteridophytes recorded 76 species of 32 genera and 18 families, the most diverse families being: Polypodiaceae (16 species),

The presence of more than 632 bird species, 1,200 butterflies, 103 amphibians, 180 fish, 169 mammals and 103 reptiles has been reported in the Tambopata National Reserve. Inside there are healthy habitats for the recovery and refuge of threatened populations of species such as the river wolf (Pteronura brasiliensis), the otter (Lontra longicaudis) and felines such as the yaguarundi (Herpailurus yagouaroundi), the puma (Puma concolor), the jaguar (Panthera onca), the ocelot or tigrillo (Leopardus pardalis) and the margay (Leopardus wiedii).

The Tambopata National Reserve is one of the main destinations within the National System of Natural Areas Protected by the State (SINANPE). Due to its great biodiversity and protected natural habitats, this reserve is a privileged site for contact with nature in regards to flora, fauna and landscapes. The most visited tourist destination is Lake Sandoval, this is qualified as a 127-hectare water mirror, where macaw populations abound in the vegetation surrounding the lake, in addition to allowing the sighting of herons, kingfishers, alligators and otters . This tourist area has accommodation for visitors.